Acronyms are great, they can really speed up communication and make it easier to write documents, as long of course that everyone shows what they are. If you know them, then you are part of ‘the club’, but if you don’t then they can make you feel excluded. We have all sat in meetings where […]

What should I be looking out for with my website ongoing costs? Yearly Hosting – can be very cheap but you get what you pay for, higher costs for reliable and managed hosting – is someone watching over this and reacting to issues? Kehorne charge £190 for a simple hosting service  Emails – it is […]

It takes years to build a good reputation, and can take just days to lose it. The old adage ‘you are only as good as your last project’ is true and with good reason. But as businesses increasingly collaborate on projects and partner with specialist companies for some of their work, the harder it can […]

Today, it’s easier than ever for savvy internet users to start selling either products or services directly to consumers from the comforts of their own homes.  Read more about why it’s important to have a website to begin with here: However, just because you can build the most excellent-looking website ever, complete with all […]

A professional website drives sales. Nearly 70% of consumers agree that they are more likely to buy from a business that has a website over one that does not (Source: Google My Business).  It is your business shopfront and can build credibility and confidence in your company, products or services. That’s why it’s important to consider […]

Sometimes, being in a team can be great and at other times it can be a real bind. But in my experience I’ve felt much better as part of a team and over the last 10 years or so at Kehorne, teamworking has been a great resource and benefit to me for the work I […]

This is just a simple article about someone that has built a brand the right way (in my opinion at least), but first I will give it some context. Normally I go to the gym and do classes, so my workout routine is just what the class is that day. That is great for me […]

Like many people who go to the gym regularly, when lockdown happened and the gyms closed I raced to the shops to buy some weights. I was too late, the shelves were barren apart from one solitary 4kg Kettlebell (basically a paperweight!), I bought it anyway. Within two weeks adverts for resistance bands and weight […]

We have known for a long time that the way we presented ourselves to the world was a contradiction, we talk about our big projects and clients, but show only our more mainstream work. This is largely to do with the NDAs (Non-Disclosure Agreements) we have with our marketing partners, so we cannot show the […]