Is your website secure?

Kehorne SSL certificate

As a web user we all want to feel safe and secure when on the Internet. So surely as a provider of goods or services with a website we should be making sure our clients and web users have the experience they need, and in this case it is a secure website with the little padlock symbol in the browser search bar. To be totally techie about it the beginning of the website address should start with “https” with the “s” showing it is a secure SSL site.

Your hosting company should provide you with an SSL certificate that gives you the little padlock symbol in the browser.
This is becoming essential for several reasons – it gives you end to end encryption on data when someone is using your website so the user has confidence in using your website


Now Google wants us all to be on secure hosting or it will be reducing your ranking for search results.
This alone should make you sit up and take note. The reason is they want to make sure they are sending people to secure websites and this is where the SSL certificate is essential.

Kehorne Limited provide hosting solutions and they all include SSL certificates for free. Some of the cheaper hosting options are making their money by selling these as additional, but a decent company will include it because it is so important and now seen as a necessary standard.

If you are not sure then just give us a call and we can help and advise you.

Call Kehorne on 01753 526192