As a small business, marketing can make or break your success. However, with limited resources and budgets, many SMBs make the mistake of diving into marketing tactics without a solid strategy in place. It’s crucial to avoid common marketing mistakes that can waste your efforts and resources. In this blog post, we’ll cover the top […]

In today’s digital age, small businesses face unique challenges when it comes to marketing their products and services. Limited budgets, fierce competition, and the need to stand out in a crowded online landscape can make it difficult to make a lasting impression on potential customers. However, there is a powerful tool at the disposal of […]

Kehorne work with a number of charities so we understand that a well-designed website is an essential tool for any non-profit organisation to effectively communicate its mission, attract donors, and engage with the community. To ensure that a non-profit website is user-friendly and informative, it should have the following key features: Clear and well-organized navigation […]

Whilst it might be tempting to take the easy route and use the standard templates that come with your CMS, getting a custom design website or template offers a number of benefits over this option: Unique branding A custom design website can be designed with a business’s specific branding in mind. By using unique color […]

Small businesses need a good website for several, very important, reasons: Online Presence Having an online presence is no longer optional for small businesses, it’s a must-have. A website provides a centralised location where potential customers can learn more about your business, its products or services, and how to contact you. Without a website you […]

The latest in our series of blogs on acronyms we include some that are more marketing related: CTA – This one stands for ‘Call To Action’ when you are signposting what you want your reader to do. So if you look at an ad or a website and you see a line that says ‘Book now’ […]

Our series of blogs on acronyms was very popular so we thought it might be useful to cover some other terms that can be a little confusing, and we are starting with Hosting…… Hosting It’s what your website relies on to just BE…. It’s what it lives on.  In physical terms the files and data […]

Acronyms are great, they can really speed up communication and make it easier to write documents, as long of course that everyone shows what they are. If you know them, then you are part of ‘the club’, but if you don’t then they can make you feel excluded. We have all sat in meetings where […]

Before we go into how to use customer reviews and testimonials we will discuss what they are (you can also refer to our handy table opposite) as both contain a customer’s opinion of you and possibly pictures of your product in use. What is a Customer Review? A customer review communicates to others a customer’s […]