At Kehorne, we use WordPress extensively, and we’re in prestigious company! The has chosen to use WordPress again.
A fun fact is that they have built their own theme called “The White House” and the version number is – you got it – 46! (you know Biden is the 46th president….(tumbleweed)). (
WordPress currently powers over 40% of all websites and has over 60% share of the CMS Market. Recently Wix (which only has 2.4% of the market) launched a marketing ad campaign against WordPress which backfired spectacularly. Instead of enticing people away from WordPress, it has made people question the quality of a product and company that resorts to such a low form of advertising. (For more details on this story .
An important difference between WordPress and Wix is portability. If your website is built using WordPress, you are not tied to who you are hosted with or even your developer. However, with Wix you are unable to take your content/website and move away from them. If you fall out with Wix, you have to start all over again!
One reason why WordPress has done so well is that it is a free and open-source system and has a huge developer ecosystem who are responsible for nearly 60000 plugins. The ecosystem enables WordPress to be responsive to trends so that often, features that start out as a plugin can go on to be a feature of the core platform. An example of this is the lazy loading of images in response to Google’s Web Vitals.