With 15th August being the 70th Anniversary of the Victory in Japan I’m sure it is now in a certain category of event that some people will be saying we should not be looking back and celebrating this type of event whilst others will be saying we should so that future generations don’t forget what happened.
It is strange to note that in Japan they have a rather one sided view of the end of the 2nd World War. They (and I will say apparently in case some of my “facts” are wrong) apparently are happy to talk about the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki which no-one can deny was a sad and awful event, but they don’t want to make a big thing of the attack on Pearl Harbour and many other awful events they perpetrated during the war. I will also point out that as far as I can see not one single country involved had a clean sheet during the war and all seemed to have been involved in some pretty unsavoury episodes at one time or another – it was war and no war is casualty free.
I think VJ Day should be remembered but not celebrated. We should remember what happened and make sure the lessons that were learn’t are not forgotten. History usually provides a good view as to how things might progress in the future, we need only look at Afghanistan to see how the past was ignored ….
Let us look forward to a peaceful world and hope that conflicts around the world are at the very least kept to a minimum.