Things to consider with your web presence….
When you are starting out controlling costs is everything. I usually suggest you start with the cheapest options available, but these are some of the things to consider:-
Buy your domain name yourself. There are various places to do this and it ensures you keep the costs down and most importantly you control your domain name forever! More information
Build a cheap (or free) website. Use one of the many online website building options to set something up. Keep it simple and to the point without trying to be too clever because clever will mean taking probably far too long to make it live.
When you do this you will be getting a much better idea of what a website will mean to your business qnd what it needs to achieve.
A website is a living thing – it will change and evolve so unlike a printed piece of marketing you can amend and change it – and this I promise you will do!Build it with a Content Management System (CMS – WordPress for example) – you can then go in and amend the text and images without involving a paid expert or relying on the guy next door who will eventually become to busy (or fed up with you) and will take days to do any amends – if at all! WordPress gives you options with many free themes for you to just slot in your content.
Hosting – perhaps you only have a brochure site that requires almost no functions so hosting can be as cheap as possible. If you have a shop you need to ensure hosting is secure and reliable. After time you will almost certainly need better hosting but again this can come later. Kehorne have a range of hosting solutions to fit most business needs.
When you have your nice new shiny website and you have launched your new business it will become apparent over time how your website is working for the business. You will begin to see if you need more functions – linking to your emails, feeding results to a database, selling your products, adding video for example.
When you are in the process of learning these lessons this is when you might begin to consider bringing in a professional company such as Kehorne to help you with a more integrated design and multi functional website.
Hopefully by considering these points you can save some money in the long run. Always best to ask advice from the experts around you, we like to think we can help new businesses start off in the right direction and hope that when you make your first million you will remember the helpful people at Kehorne!