Kick start your business post lockdown

Kehorne and working from home

Well, we have had an interesting start to 2020 with Coronavirus and the subsequent lockdown. By now, some 5 weeks into a lockdown, most of us in the business world are fully versed on how we should be approaching a “working” situation and/or how to get through it.

But the next big issue is how we come out of this. As I write, we can see that some businesses are already starting to open again and operate in a limited fashion. But if you work in an office and usually commute to work perhaps you have either had to work from home or have been furloughed.

So how are we going to get things going again in the business world? Small and medium businesses will be working through how to start getting “back to normal” in many different ways including how ready your staff are to get back to work. So much has changed, we have had access to working at home, home schooling our children and making the most of online communications with clients and friends.

Some of the obvious challenges that present themselves include:

  • Are the team ready for another change in the work environment?
  • Are the parents who work in the company able to get back – is the schooling system back?
  • Will technology be a barrier to the new working conditions?
  • Has employer/employee trust improved so that more working from home is possible?

Some of the points made by the Kehorne team have been based around the current working from home arrangement where the travel time into and out of the office has given the employee back hours of their day – this has resulted in improved work/life balance and if continued, will no doubt add to the respect for the company.

The main issue with working from home for some employers has been trust. Does the employer trust the employee to do a “full” days’ work? Some jobs revolve around results so it makes this easy to track, but other jobs are much harder to quantify and trust between both parties must be pretty high for the situation to work.

Overall Kehorne has a high level of trust in its employees and we can see that remote working will almost certainly continue as we now have the infrastructure in place to enable it. Whilst we do still need to come together, it is a balance that we hope in the future will benefit both parties and we look forward to seeing how it pans out.

If you need assistance getting your team or business working remotely, please contact us to see how our experiences can help you. In a world of social distancing, how we interact online is more important now than ever before. Visit our new website at where we are offering 20% off new website Starter packages in May and June 2020 or give us a call!