At long last Kehorne have embraced what we have been telling our clients for ages – video sells!
Video can now be streamed on mobile phones – bandwidth and 4G has had huge impacts on this.
Some great basic statistics that back up why video is so good:-
By 2017, online video will account for 74% of all online traffic
55% of people watch videos online every day
65% of video viewers watch more than ¾ of a video
59% of executives agree that if both text and video are available on the same topic, they are more likely to choose video
54% of senior executives share work related videos with colleagues weekly
So why are you not using video? It can be cheap, it can be easy, it is definitely accessible. All you need is a modern phone and a small amount of technical knowledge. If you want to get things a little more professional then using a video production company such as Resource Productions or Take One Business Communications can really pay dividends, but for the extra exposure that video will give your company ANY sort of attempt will benefit you.
As an example – we put this video together with ONLY an extra external microphone for £9. Filmed on an iPhone SE and using i Movie (free software). We will start getting better because we have realised there are elements that can easily be improved such as lighting. But the results are not in dispute; putting this video into our company emailer we actually had a phone call from someone within an hour of it going out!
What Kehorne would love to do is discuss how we can help you with your current website – even if we can guide you in the right direction, you may be surprised at what you can achieve.
Call Kehorne 01753 526192 or visit our website