Judgement Day Saturday 18th July

A full on 10 k X-Country obstacle and endurance race over the beautiful Pippingford Park.

Dave and Paul completed this in just over 2 hours although the pain continued for some days after…..

We like to think this sort of event helps us maintain a balence in our work and private lives, making sure that when we work we are even more committed and focused to our clients and the projects. It shows our flexability in being able to take on new challenges, and yes, we like to push ourselves to have FUN!

Dave and Paul

Before the fun started!


And we’re OFF !

11782323_10153529281837244_7934233011841830234_o First obstacle – River crossing, very smelly!!!

Dave Horne

500m sangbag carry over a few fences and through a few bombholes…

Sandbag carry

Dave on the leg burning rope!

Dave on the leg burning rope!



The glorious END