Good Management Techniques
Recently I attended a small seminar where the speaker had various points on good management techniques. One item that really stuck with me is the “Handle it Once” approach.
What this means is if a job comes up try and ensure you do it and finish it the first time you touch it.
If you keep coming back to it because you “don’t have enough time” then you are in fact wasting time by re-reading and re-thinking about it. If this process goes on long enough you can seriously add to your work load by just wasting your valuable time.
The speaker gave an example that worked around the principal of every time you picked up a document put a red dot on it. If you start to see too many red dots on this then there is something wrong with your process for dealing with it. For example you pick up a report at work, you have a quick read but realise you don’t have time right now, so you decide to do it on the train on the way home. You start reading it again on the train but the train is too busy so you decide to do it after dinner at home. A glass of wine and dinner later you read through it again but you now feel too tired to do it, so back in the bag it goes till tomorrow. Already you may have spent more time on this than it would take to actually finish it!
So the mantra is – Pick it up and Do It!